Office of the Persident


Dr. Ali Nazari

Member of the academic of the Arabic Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities Study field Arabic language and literature Science ranking Professor Email Phone number ۰۶۶-۳۳۱۲۰۱۰۰

Profile: Ali Nazari, Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Lorestan Univerity.

Education: Ph.D. in Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University. M. A. in Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modares University.

Professional Experience: Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran. Islamic Azad University of Khorramabad.

Publication/Areas of Interest: Palestinian Literature/Resistance Literature.

Academic and Administrative Responsibilities: The President of Lorestan University. Head of Persian Language Department, Lorestan University. Head of Arabic Language Department, Islamic Azad University of Khorramabad. The Vice Dean for Research and Technology. The Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences. One of the members of the Disciplinary Committee of Lorestan University. The Secretary of the Council of Vice-Chancellors for Research at Universities in the West of Iran. The Secretary of the Selected Committee for the Promotion of Faculty Members of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences. The Secretary of the Expert Commission of Human Sciences, the Audit Board of Lorestan University from 1393 to the Present. The Chairman of Free-Thinking Chairs of Professors’ Basij in Lorestan Province. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Innovation Institute (Noavaran). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Koranic Studies in Literature, Lorestan University. One of the Members of the Research Council of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences of Lorestan University. One of the Members of the Strategic Council of Professors of the Office of the Supreme Leader at Islamic Azad Universities. The Vice President for Research and Technology of Lorestan University. The director of the Provincial Thinking Room in Lorestan Province under the Supervision of the Presidential Administration of Iran. Membership in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nahjolbalagheh.

Awards and Honors: The best researcher in the field of Islamic sciences, selected by Supreme Leader Representation in Universities, 1392/10/05. The top researcher of Lorestan University and Lorestan province in 1390.The top scholar for presenting a paper examining the semantic areas of prayer through the lens of economic concepts at the national meeting of prayer in 2013.
