A Paper Written by One of the Faculty Members of Lorestan University Was Published in the Top-Tier Journal of Medical Virology

As was reported by Dr. Hossein Hatami, the director of Research Affairs in Lorestan University, Dr. Masoud Rahmati published a paper entitled “The Global Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Incidence of Pediatric New-Onset Type 1 Diabetes and Ketoacidosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” in Journal of Medical Virology.
Dr. Hatami stated: “This journal is one of the valid Q1 journals published by Wiley Online Library, which has the impact factor of 20/693 and based on the report of Scimago Journal and Country Rank, in the field of immunology, microbiology, and virology, the above-mentioned journal with SJR equal to 2/656 has the ninth place in the world”.
He also added: “To carry out this research study, researchers from universities in South Korea and England collaborated with Dr. Rahmati”.
The director of Research Affairs of Lorestan University congratulated the academic community of Lorestan Province on this scientific success.
It should be mentioned that Dr. Masoud Rahmati is a full professor in exercise physiology.
Also, in the link given below, the paper mentioned above is accessible.